Мяч MAD WAVE Anti Burst Gym Ball для фитнеса, 75 см

Фитбол – отличный тренажер для развития координации движений, гибкости, укрепления мышц спины и брюшного пресса. Используется для функционального тренинга, на реабилитационных занятиях, в йога и пилатес-программах. Технология ABS (Anti-Burst Systems) гарантирует защиту от

Ролик AB Wheel

Ролик для тренировки мышц кора. Подходит для мужчин и женщин. Улучшает рельеф и форму мышц живота. Повышает тонус мышц рук, ног, бедер и плеч.

Полусфера Bosu

Mad Wave BOSU Balance Trainer with resistance bands is a professional fitness equipment for static and dynamic training at home and in the gym. Designed to practice balancing, stability and flexibility, it delivers

Ремень для йоги Yoga strap

YOGA STRAP has been designed to support and enhance your yoga and Pilates practice. It is used to increase the range of motion and flexibility, and achieve more hard-to-reach challenging poses and stretches

Эспандер Latex free resistance band

Latex free exercise band is skin friendly and manufactured with a powder-free, textured surface for better hand grip. Resistance band is lightweight, resilient and durable making them ideal for fitness, endurance and strength

Эспандер Latex free resistance band

Latex free exercise band is skin friendly and manufactured with a powder-free, textured surface for better hand grip. Resistance band is lightweight, resilient and durable making them ideal for fitness, endurance and strength

Эспандер Latex free resistance band

Latex free exercise band is skin friendly and manufactured with a powder-free, textured surface for better hand grip. Resistance band is lightweight, resilient and durable making them ideal for fitness, endurance and strength

Эспандер Latex free resistance band

Latex free exercise band is skin friendly and manufactured with a powder-free, textured surface for better hand grip. Resistance band is lightweight, resilient and durable making them ideal for fitness, endurance and strength

Эспандер Latex free resistance band

Latex free exercise band is skin friendly and manufactured with a powder-free, textured surface for better hand grip. Resistance band is lightweight, resilient and durable making them ideal for fitness, endurance and strength

Эспандер Resistance tube

The latex tube Power Expander is designed to give your main muscle groups an effective work out, develop strength and endurance, increase flexibility, and improve technique. The power harness is made using a